Stamitz, Johann: Orchestral Trio in C major, Op. 9, No. 6 (AE048) – sheet music
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Stamitz, Johann (1717-1757)
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The present work was first published by Venier in 1757 as the last in a group of six 'symphonies' by Beck, Priali,Martini, Reluzi, Jomelli and Stamitz. It was newly engraved and reissued by Huberty in 1759 along with the Trios Cm1 (Op.4 No.3), E1 (Op.5 No.3) and Gm1 (Op.4 No.5) which had first appeared under his imprimatur. The title page of the new edition reads: "IV / TRIOS / A TROIS PARTIES CONCERTANTES / Qui sont faits pour Executer a trois ou avec toutes l'orchestre / Composes / PAR JEAN STAMITZ / Dircteur de la Musique de S. A. Monseigneur / l'Electeur Palatin. / MIS AU JOUR PAR Mr HUBERTI..." In spite of the late publication date, the trio is less stylistically advanced than some of the composer's other works in the genre and may even pre-date the Six Trios Op. 1 This edition is based on a copy of the Huberty print preserved in the Statens Musikbibliotek - The Music Library of Sweden (formerly Musikaliska Akademiens Bibiliotek) in Stockholm. The notation of articulation and dynamic markings has been standardised throughout, and, when missing from the source, reconstructed from parallel passages. These are indicated by the use of dotted slurs or brackets where appropriate. Like most eighteenthcentury sources, the Huberty print is somewhat inconsistent in its notation of appoggiature; these have also been standardised to minimise confusion. Obvious wrong notes have been silently corrected; otherwise, any editorial emendation with no authority from the source is placed within brackets. Allan Badley |
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